Is Heaven a Real Place?

“Now Christ has gone to heaven.” (1 Peter 3:22a NLT)

In Revelation 21:3-4 John writes: “I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, ‘Look, God’s home is now among His people! He will live with them, and they will be His people. God Himself will be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.”

Jesus believes heaven is a real place.

My first mission’s trip was to an area near Lima, Peru. I cried most of the first day. Not only had I not seen living conditions like that, I’d never imagined they could exist. The average life expectancy of the people in the area where we were serving was about 40 years. The primary purpose of our trip was to help build an orphanage to house the children left behind, who roamed the streets seeking to survive.

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What struck me was, you could literally see the difference between those who knew Jesus and those who didn’t. Their countenance seemed to glow with joy and reverence for the Lord. It wasn’t hard for them to imagine a place better when they died. A place where they would find comfort and security, being with their Savior and Friend forever.

In America, if you’re on government assistance, you’re in the top 1% of the wealthiest people in the world. It’s easy for some to believe this is as good as it will ever get. But that’s just not true!

The appeal of heaven for me is that “God Himself will be with them.” Because Jesus is there, that’s where I want to be. But think of the other benefits.

  • Our tears will be wiped away by the Lord. Notice it doesn’t say there won’t be tears. I can’t imagine seeing Jesus and not shedding tears of joy. Or crying when I’m reunited with loved ones who loved Jesus in this life, who have preceded me in death, never to be separated from them again.
  • No more death. Death in Scripture often refers to separation from God. But for those who are in Heaven, there will be no more separation from God or anyone else who knows and loves Jesus.
  • No more sorrow. This word can also be translated “mourning.” I think of godly parents whose babies were stillborn or died at a young age. They are waiting for you in heaven, never to be separated from you again. And I’m thinking of others who are grieving because you’ve been separated from loved ones who loved and served the Lord Jesus. One day sooner than you can imagine, you’ll be reunited – for all eternity!
  • No more crying. This has to do more with crying out, agonizing, clamoring due to the pressures of life. Circumstances about which you don’t know what to do or how to cope. Those will no longer be issues in heaven.
  • No more pain. This certainly includes physical pain, but this word also speaks to the agony of toiling for daily subsistence. Like the folks I met in Peru, whose annual income was $300-$400. Most of us in America can’t comprehend that kind of pain. But thanks to Jesus, in heaven, no one will.

Heaven IS a real place, and you don’t have to die to begin to enjoy the best part of heaven. His name is Jesus, and He gave His life in your place, so that you would not only have a place in Heaven with Him when you die, but you can enjoy walking with Him right now, while you’re alive on this earth. If you haven’t yet met Jesus, you may not understand what I’m talking about. Please click the link below to watch a brief video by Ron Hutchcraft, in order to give you a better understanding of what it means to know and love Jesus and how to begin a relationship with Him.

I’ve heard many people who don’t profess faith in Jesus, speaking in reference to death, say that they believe they will go to a better place when they die. On what is that based? Is it really true? We’ll explore that tomorrow.

Blessings, Ed 😊

One thought on “Is Heaven a Real Place?

  1. I am going to use this issue of “Walking with Jesus” for family that doesn’t know the Lord. Thank you very much for your posts…they are awesome…


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